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Dancing Circles podle Kai Davies

Spojené státy americké

Spojené státy americké

In “Dancing Circles” I was influenced by the Georgian era designer Robert Adam’s circular rose colored ceiling design. Rather than the strict structured geometric circles in Adam’s design, I use irregular, bubble-shaped circles to invoke a more modern, unrestricted, whimsical feeling of a bubble flowing on a wave.

Informace Kai Davies

As an artist, I am inspired by the natural world and the abstract patterns that surround us. My use of bright colors and organic designs are meant to trigger emotions in each and every viewer, allowing them to interpret and interact with each piece individually. In “Dancing Circles” I was influenced by the Georgian era designer Robert Adam’s circular rose colored ceiling design. Rather than the strict structured geometric circles in Adam’s design, I use irregular, bubble-shaped circles to invoke a more modern, unrestricted, whimsical feeling of a bubble flowing on a wave.

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